Unexpected" My First WA Sale
Unexpected" My First WA Sale
This totally was a shocker to me when I was checking my email messages this morning. In the subject line it said Congrats on your 1st sale!!
After 8 months of building my website, writing new content, promoting and driving traffic, Just when I was beginning to doubt myself and wealthy affiliate. The unexpected happen. I amazing how one sale can motivate and boost your determination to become successful.
Now I know this might not mean much to you all, but it means a lot to me, because I've found something in my life that I'm truly happy of being apart of.
It's not about the money, it's about doing something I love and that is helping others and encouraging others to believe in wealthy affiliate.
I join wealthy affiliate, because I believe in this opportunity. My hard work has paid off. And I'm hoping I will receive 10 more emails like this one.
Thanks WA. Conceive it!, Believe it!, Achieve it!
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Hi Anthony! congrats on making a sale, I think 1 sale would be wonderful (especially since I have zero sales). You will probably be getting more and more sales since your website is probably doing pretty well in the SEO so you are now visible to people!
Anyway that is so awesome and I really congratulate you!!
Though you will only see a PM like this from Kyle once, you WILL see many more emails in your private email saying "Congratulations! A New WA Commission!"
Plus you will be even more motivated when the next sale comes in and the next and the next...it will never stop motivating you.
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Congrats tony that's awesome eight months .. Well worth it..